Trade name given to the transparent, gemmy variety of Diaspore from Turkey. This name was officially abandoned in 2012 by Murat Akgun, the original promoter of the name Zultanite. An explanation of the dropping of the name Zultanite in favor of "Gem Diaspore" is provided on the website www.zultanite.com, as follows: "Mr. Murat Akgun, President of MML and the person who dedicated decades of his life to bringing the spectacular Turkish diaspore to its so well deserved worldwide fame and acclamation as 'Zultanite', decided that the promotion of this rare and unique gem will be better served under its genuine mineralogical name, rather than constriction by the bounds of a trademark. Mr. Akgun feels that branding will never actually permit to entirely set free the whole beauty and magic of this national treasure."
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